Which colours look best on me?
Posted on January 26 2021

It’s a good idea to know what colours may suit you best, before purchasing a garment, only to realise it does nothing to enhance your natural beauty.
So - how to figure out which colours work for you. You don’t need to fork out hundreds to a stylist, here are a few ideas to guide you in understanding what will potentially be the best for you.
First, understand, whether you have a warm or cool skin tone. To do this, look at the underside of your wrist in natural daylight. If you have a pink or rosy undertone and blue tinted veins you have a cool skin tone. If you have a golden or apricot undertone and greenish tinted veins, you have a warm skin tone. In general, warm undertones tend to have a peachy, golden or yellowish hue. Cool is pink or bluish. Some lucky people are neutral and happen to have both.
Still not sure? Try holding gold then silver fabric under your chin. Whichever hue lights up your complexion and makes your eyes pop is the winner. If its silver, you’re cool. If its gold, you’re warm. If not quite sure, ask a few people whose opinion you trust, but it is usually quite apparent.
According to many experts, anyone can practically wear any colour, it comes down to the shade. Go too dark and clothing throws shade onto your face when a cool undertone, too light, and it can wash you out, if a warm undertone. I am only talking the shade worn next to your face, anything down below is fine.
You don’t need to bin some gorgeous black top if it's not your best colour, invest in a beautiful scarf or cardigan that, when worn next to your face, creates a gorgeous effect.
So down to the colours:
When you're cool:
This lucky crowd suit bright and upbeat colours which can also be rich and moody, so a wide range to choose from. Consider deep jewel tones, vibrant blues, and softer colors like mint, lilac and soft pink. When looking at warmer hues, opt for vivid pink and vibrant red. Crisp white, gray and navy all suit too.
Gwyneth is a classic cool undertone girl.

Warm undertones:
Ok, lucky warm toned people, you have a gorgeous colour palette to choose from. Think deep and rich honey, amber, maroon, mauve and blues, black and gray. Colours that convey a sense of warmth like mocha, chocolate, oat, taupe and wheat are for you. Classic cool shades with a slant of warmth like olive, magenta, dark teal, turquoise, magenta and many more are also great options.
Penelope Cruz looking stunning in warm colours